Thursday, July 2, 2015

Catching up!

I'm baaacccckkkkk!
Y'all I have totally just pushed my blog aside as the school year came to an end. Things were CRAZY! Another year is in the books and it's summer!!! 
I'm going to use this post to catch everyone up and also do a link up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade.

So here we go!

My summer has started as a roller coaster. If you follow me on Instagram then you've been keeping up with my daily pictures. If you're not go check them out! 
I started my summer in East Texas as my family began the process of moving my grandparents into assisted living. Let me tell ya....I had no idea what all went into this! I'm beyond blessed with an amazing family and we've done nothing but support each other through this. 

How can you not love them?!

During this time I made a pretty big decision. I decided to become a seller on TeachersPayTeachers. I was beyond nervous to do this and to actually post an item. You can check out my store and first product here. If you download them please leave me some feedback! I'm still growing and learning with all of it so I would love to know what works and what doesn't! 

I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for July currently! 
Listening: Well my dad LOVES Jeopardy and watches it everyday. I could honestly care less so I don't pay much attention to it.
Loving: SUMMER VACATION!! It's July and I feel like it's finally vacation. Things have just been so busy. I haven't even sat down to read a book!
Thinking: My back to school list is so long. I have to do a lot from home because we aren't able to get back into school yet. Every time I sit down to work on something I get distracted. Oops.
Wanting: Baseball, baseball, baseball! Have you heard that I've got OBD? Obsessive baseball disorder. Ha!! Go Rangers!!
Needing: Oh goodness I need an oil change so bad. With all the traveling I've been doing I haven't had time to get it done. It's on my list for when I get home!
All star: I think I'm a pretty great cook! Summer is a time that I do a ton of it and I love it! (I'll be sharing recipes and such soon)

That's all for now! Expect to see this blog up and running more and possibly even a new design! 

Rachel :)


  1. As you will see on my post I LOVE baseball too! Go Braves!

    Enjoy your summer... I can't believe it's almost over :(

    Halfway There

  2. Oddly enough our blogs have similar names. I hope you get a chance to enjoy the rest of your Summer because as you know, it goes by really fast! You have a nice blog and I loved reading your post.

    Live. Love. Teach. Biology.
