Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Made It - Getting organized!

Hey y'all! It's Monday again so that means it's time to link up for Monday Made It at 4th Grade Frolics.

This week it's all about organization, fun crafts, and a new recipe! Check it out! :)

I'm starting off with one of my favorite recipes! I love pizza and could seriously eat it at least once a week. A few years ago I came across "zucchini pizza." Ummm...amazing!! 

It's so easy to make, too! I tried following a recipe at first but eventually I came up with what I liked. 

-Preheat oven to 350
-Slice a zucchini in half and put on foil lined baking sheet.
-Drizzle with olive oil, salt, peper, oregano
-Place zucchini in over for about 15 minutes
-Apply sauce, cheese, and ANY other ingredients you want
-Put back in over for about 15-20 minutes.

If you make it let me know how it turns out!! :)

One thing we focus on in Pre-K is writing. Writing your name, letters, numbers, vocab words, etc. Who wants to write with a boring yellow pencil though? Not me! That was definitely a challenge I had last year..getting my kids to just pick up the pencil. Then one day I put "fun" pencils out and they were so eager to go to Writing Center! This led into my next project. I got some washi tape, pencils from my never ending supply at school, and pom-poms.

So far the only pencils that have pom-poms are the glitter ones. I haven't decided if I want to put them on all of them or not. Now, I know you can buy pencils with designs and fun things. I didn't want to buy more pencils when I have a ton left over at school. (About 5 freezer bags full!) The pencils I have so far are...purple polka dots, football, hot pink, mustaches, glitter, and robot (not sure why it's not in the picture). I didn't take the tape all the way down since it's just going to be sharpened anyways.
I think my kids are going to love them and will definitely want to write with them! 

With summer here I do a lot more shopping than I should. I know I'm not the only one! :)
I was at Hobby Lobby one day and found the cutest sign for $2! It's lime green and has a zebra ribbon...I couldn't pass it up!

I finally decided that I would make it as a name sign to hang on my door. I got some glitter stickers from Michael's and here's how it turned out..

Cute, right?! Unfortunately the letters didn't stick well on their own but I added some hot glue. I can't wait to get this hung up!

One major thing I'm doing this summer is completely reorganizing my classroom. So far I have taken everything out of every single cabinet and drawer and it's all found a new home. Last year I only got the week before school started to do anything in my room. On top of that I was making an hour and a half commute from Austin. So yeah, my room wasn't exactly how I wanted it.
I finally got to my cabinet, drawer, and shelf FULL of construction paper. I hated the fact that when we needed a certain color we would dig through these piles. Now this problem is fixed!

All of our construction paper is sorted! I will be getting more paper from the kids during the first week of school. It's going to be so easy to just grab a pack, sort it, and be done! I'm currently working on a way to organize my long sheets of construction paper. Stay tuned for that!

This last picture isn't something I made but I have to share it. This past weekend my mom, brother, and sister in law came into town. We had such a good time! Friday night we went to dinner at Poppa Rollo's (amazing!!) and after we took a "selfie." Well after one picture my brother kept hitting the button so the pictures kept coming. This is what we ended up with...

Then we thought it was so funny we stood out in the parking lot and continued to do this for a good 5 minutes. I'm sure people thought we were crazy but we had fun!

I hope you enjoyed all the fun stuff that has happened over the last week! Be sure to head over and see what everyone else has been up to!
Also, check back here next week for a post all about the adventures we have at SPLASH in San Antonio!!

Live, love, learn
Rachel :)


  1. I love how your organized your construction paper! Why didn't I think of this!? Putting it on my to-do list now!


  2. Your family looks like they are fun - and it's always good to have new recipes!

  3. Thanks for sharing the recipe...I am looking forward to trying it!

    Pawsitively Teaching
